2024 年度計分賽 Ranking

主辦單位: China Hong Kong Shoot Boxing Association
協辦單位: 中國香港綜合搏擊運動總會


Shoot Boxing是為⼀項規模化及國際化的運動,⽽Hong Kong Shoot Boxing Association積極在香港推廣Shoot Boxing運動,培育及發掘更多具潛質和實⼒的香港Shoot Boxing運動員。HKSBA年度計分賽為香港Shoot Boxing運動員作系統性排名,亦歡迎不同搏擊流派運動員參與賽事,全年排名⾸4位有機會參加年尾的香港SB拳王腰帶賽,更有機會獲得推薦代表香港到⽇本Shoot Boxing總部參與SB⼤賽。我們希望香港也能孕育出世界級Shoot Boxing運動員,挑戰成為世界王者。 *競賽委員會會就運動員資歷制定本年度腰帶賽級別

Hong Kong Shoot Boxing Association aiming to discover more potential and talented athletes in Hong Kong. HKSBA Annual Ranking Matches provide systematic ranking to athletes, encouraging athletes from different martial arts fields to join! Annual top 4 athletes could even get a chance to participate in the Hong Kong SB title match during the year end and represent Hong Kong to participate in SB matches in the Japan Shoot Boxing Headquarter. Let’s challenge ourselves to become a world’s top fighter! 

⽇期 Date: 逢每⽉第⼀個星期⽇ First Sunday in every month


14 days before each month’s match day will be the registration deadline ; fight card will be sent a week before the match day.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

*The results of this competition will be used as one of the selection criteria for annual participation in international and mainland competitions.

參加比賽日期 Competition Dates
Same as ID Card
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
*請查閱私隱政策 Please refer our privacy policy: https://shootboxing.org.hk/privacy-policy/
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
*只接受 .jpg 或 .png 或 .jpeg, 請降低相片像素後上傳 Please reduce the pixels of the photo before uploading it.

出生日期 Date of Birth *

年 Year
月 Month
日 Day
如以個人名義參加,請填寫 "個人" If you are participating in an Personal, please fill in "Personal"

過往所有搏擊比賽經驗 All Fight Experience:

賽續 Fight Record

戰 Numbers of Fight
和 Draw
勝 Win
負 Lost


我聲明並同意遵守 China HK Shoot Boxing Association (下稱 “大會” )訂下的免責條款及規則如下:

  1. 我已閱讀了比賽章程並確認完全理解明白賽事之規則。
  2. 我完全理解參與運動(包括業餘組及專業組搏擊比賽)將自行承擔所有在練習及比賽過程中有任何感染、受傷或死亡的風險,我自願和知情的情況下接受風險。(大會建議參加者自行購買合適的個人保險,包括個人意外保險、個人責任、醫療費用及緊急救援等重要範疇,以及足夠保障額。)
  3. 我謹賠償在配賽後因任何理由缺席該賽事導致之所有責任及/或虧損。
  4. 在練習及比賽過程中,參賽者需聽從教練及工作人員的指引,如有任何不適或問題,將即時通知有關教練及工作人員,並聯絡大會。
  5. 我同意我的姓名、年齡、體重組、比賽記錄、照片和視頻被發佈在大會的網站上,以及在新聞媒體和社交媒體上。“組織者”有權以任何形式和方式永久性地在香港及海外分發和使用這些材料。所有活動的照片和視頻版權視為“組織者”的財產。一旦提交報名表,意味著參與者同意“組織者”有權編輯、刪除、複製、歸檔、轉讓、發佈或展示這些照片和視頻,全球範圍內用於教育或其他商業和非商業目的。
  6. 我完全理解大會有權於任何時間終止參賽者之訓練和出賽資格,以及調整配賽安排,參賽者不得有任何爭議。

Fighter Agreement: WAVIER AND RELEASE to be agreed by the fighter.

I declare and agree to abide by the rules and exclusion clauses of China Hong Kong Shoot Boxing Association (hereinafter: “the Organiser”).

  1. I have read the competition regulations and confirm that I fully understand the rules of the competition.
  2. I fully understand that participating in sport (amateur and professional combat bouts' inclusive) carries a risk to me of infection, serious injury or death, and I voluntarily and knowingly accept the risk. I fully understand that the organiser recommend participant to purchase relevant personal insurance (including personal accident insurance, personal liability, medical expenses, emergency rescue and other important areas, as well as sufficient coverage).
  3. I hereby indemnify “the Organiser” and its employees, officers, officials, medical officers and coaches, from all liability or loss that may result from my no show and or absence from the competition date and my bout.
  4. During Training and or competition, all fighters and participants are obliged to follow the staffs’ guidelines and instructions. If you experience any form of sickness, unwell and or problems, you are obliged to notify the coach, staffs immediately.
  5. I consent to the publication of my name, age, weight division, competition record, photos, and videos on “the Organiser”’s website, as well as in press and media, and on social media. “The Organiser” retains the right to distribute and use these materials in any form and manner, both permanently in Hong Kong and overseas. The copyrights for all photos and videos from activities are considered the property of “the Organiser.” By submitting the enrolment form, I agree that “the Organiser” has the rights to edit, delete, duplicate, file, transfer, issue, or display these photos and videos globally for educational, commercial, and non-commercial purposes.
  6. “The Organiser” reserves the right to terminate the training and competition qualifications of participants at any time, and to adjust the competition arrangements. Participants shall not have any disputes.

In case of discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version in respect of all or any part of the contents in this agreement, the Chinese version shall prevail.


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